Monday, April 18, 2011

Modern Exchange Of Wedding Vows

Modern Exchange Of Wedding Vows

Marriage vows are serious promise between the groom and bride. In front of witnesses, the groom and bride take turns to tell their wedding vows. Marriage vows might be religious, traditional, interfaith, or personalized.Traditionally, priest filed a series of questions to the groom and bride. Facing each other and hold hands with each other, groom and bride take turns to perform vows.Here marriage is an example of traditional Christian marriage vows.
Priest: Do you (Name), take (Name), to be your wife
Groom: I
Priest: Do you (Name), take (Name), to be your husband
Bride: I doHere is another example where the groom and bride take turns to read, or say.
I, (Name),
Take you, (Name),
To be (wife / husband) I;
To have and hold,
Starting today,
For better, worse,
For richer, for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
Till death do us part part.Many couple tries to memorize the wedding vows. With a set of pressure and nerves inside, peeking groom or bride's vow on oath. Many couples are shy. And, they just want quick and simple but effective. You can rest sure that works.As many couples are shy, many couples want to express their feelings. To get inspiration on their wedding personal wedding vows, you may see a romantic movie, celebrity vows, poems, and soap operas. There are over hundreds of vows as Roman Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Greek, Jewish, and more. Marriage vows is a serious problem. And, it's good to consider what would be used.
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